Working with documents
made better and more secure

Sending files easily and securely. Storing documents in compliance with legal requirements.
Finding information quickly. Collaborating with team mates flexibly.

Sharing Documents securely

rechnungen digital verschicken mit centerdevice


All file transmissions and storage are encrypted. Unauthorized third parties have no access.


You can see who accesses, changes and adds which document or version at which point in time.

Legally watertight

You can share documents in accordance with privacy regulations.

Sending files easily


Any size

Using a link you can share files of all sorts. Small Word files as well as large image films.

Große Dateien einfach verschicken mit CenterDevice


Any number

Give your co-workers access to single files or a couple hundred files at once from your current project.

Viele Dateien teilen mit CenterDevice


Any recipient

You can share files with both internal and external people.

Dateien intern freigeben mit CenterDevice

Access control to your data

Always current

Versionierung, Dokumente versionieren in CenterDevice

File shares and links always point to the most recent document version. You do not have to search through your inbox and directories anymore.

Always traceable

Im Protokoll sind alle Aktionen an Dokumenten immer nachvollziehbar

Who uploaded, commented or shared which version of a document and when exactly did they do it? This and more can be learned from the tracking information linked to each document.

Always under control

Teilen Sie Dokumente in CenterDevice immer mit den richtigen Personen

You can grant access rights just as easily as you can revoke them again.

Always secure

externer Links für Dokumente

Set a password to protect external links or limit the number of downloads and the time period the link remains valid.

Archiving bills and signed documents in a legally secure manner

You can store documents liable to retention in accordance with GoBD regulations, in a manner that is both revision-proof and protected against data deletion. Thanks to full-text search, contents can be found instantly.

Belege und alles, was eine Unterschrift trägt, rechtssicher archivieren

Accessing information everywhere and anytime

Always with you, retrieved in a flash:
All your documents in CenterDevice!

You can access each information anywhere you are. OCR and lightning-quick full-text search keep you informed during meetings, in different locations and on travel.
Download iOS & Android App

Greifen Sie jederzeit über Ihr iPad oder Smartphone auf Ihre Dokumente zu

Working in teams on project documents

Zusammenarbeit im Team mit CenterDevice

Flexible, versioned and traceable!

You can grant access to internal and external parties, even across sites.
An optional audit feature shows you all the details: Who uploaded, viewed or shared which version, and when exactly did they do it?


Working with documents
made better and more secure

Sign up for your 30-day free trial version.

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